Analysis of Transistor Amplifiers

Frequency Response Graph

Frequency Response Graph


DC Analysis

Small Signal Analysis

Low Frequency Analysis

Method of Open Circuit Time Constants

  1. Set all parasitic capacitors to open circuit
  2. Set input voltage vsig=0.
  3. Consider each capacitor individually in the small signal model; i.e. short circuit all other capacitors
  4. For each capacitor Ci, find its input resistance Ri. This can be done by setting test source Vx and evaluating current Ix, so that Ri=VxIx.
  5. fL=i=1n12πCiRi.

High Frequency Analysis

Method of Open Circuit Time Constants

  1. Set all bypass and coupling capacitors to capacitors to short circuit
  2. Set input voltage vsig=0.
  3. Consider each capacitor individually in the small signal model; i.e. short circuit all other capacitors
  4. For each capacitor Ci, find its input resistance Ri. This can be done by setting test source Vx and evaluating current Ix, so that Ri=VxIx.
  5. fL=i=1n12πCiRi.

Miller Theorem

Miller Theorem