Nyquist Plots

Principle of the Argument

Consider a simple closed contour C and a transfer function H(s).

Then, H(C) will encircle the origin in a clockwise direction ZP times, where

Assumption: the contour C does not pass through any poles or zeros.


Consider a unity feedback system with reference signal r(t), output signal y(t), plant P(s) and controller C(s).

Unity feedback gain block diagram

If we define L(s) such that,




where the closed loop poles are solutions to 1+L(s)=0.

Define H(s)=1+L(s). Letting L(s)=N(s)D(s):


This shows that poles of H(s) are poles of L(s) (open-loop poles) and zeros of H(s) are poles of Try(s) (closed-loop poles)

Define a contour C such that:

  1. C1: all points s=jω as ω ranges from 0 to
  2. C2: all points s=jω as ω ranges from to 0
  3. C3: semicircle of infinite radius, s=ϵejθ, where ϵ, and θ goes from 90 to 90

H(C) is called the Nyquist plot of H(C).

Principle of the Argument:



Nyquist plot can also be generated for L(s), where N= number of times the Nyquist plot encircles s=1 (since H(s)=1+L(s))

Drawing Nyquist Plots

Contour C1

Contour C1 consists of points s=jω where ω ranges from 0 to . Therefore, each point on L(C1) is just a complex number L(jω) with magnitude |L(jω)| and phase L(jω).

C1 can be traced out by looking at the variation of the Bode plot of L(jω).

Contour C2

Contour C2 consists of points s=jω where ω ranges from to 0. Therefore, each point on L(C2) is just a complex number L(jω) with magnitude |L(jω)| and phase L(jω). In other words, it is the complex conjugate of L(jω).

L(C2) is the mirror of L(C1) about the real axis.

Contour C3

Contour C3 consists of points in the semicircle s=ϵejθ, where ϵ, and θ goes from 90 to 90. L(C3) contains points of the form L(ϵejθ). Since ϵ is infinite, the term in L(ϵejθ) with the highest power of ϵ will dominate.

If L(s) is strictly proper, L(C3)=0.

If L(s) is proper, (but not strictly proper), L(C3) is a constant

Stability Margins

We can determine the stability margins using the Nyquist plot.

Gain Margin is the gain required to make the Nyquist plot intersect the negative real axis at -1. In other words, the length from the origin to the point where the Nyquist plot intersects the negative real axis is 1GM.

Phase Margin is the angle between the point where the Nyquist plot enters the unit circle and the -1 point about the origin.