Root Locus

Consider a unity feedback system with reference signal r(t), output signal y(t), plant P(s) and controller C(s).

Unity feedback gain block diagram

If we define L(s) such that,


Then, transfer function from r to y becomes:


Thus the system is stable if and only if,


Rules for Plotting Positive Root Locus

The positive root locus is the set of all points s in the complex plane for which L(s)=(2l+1)π radians (where l is an integer).

Rule 1.

The n branches begin at the open loop poles (when K=0). Of the n branches, m end at the open loop zeros (when K=).

Rule 2.

The positive root locus contains all points on the real axis that are to the left of an odd number of zeros and poles.

Rule 3.

Of the n branches in root locus, nm branches go to infinity, and asymptotically approach lines coming out of the point s=α with angles Φl, where

α=open loop polesopen loop zerosnm,Φl=(2l+1)πnm

for l=0,1,2,...,nm1.

Rule 4.

The root locus will have multiple roots at s¯ if the following are satisfied:


At a particular point s¯ on the positive root locus,


where p1,p2,...,pn and z1,z2,...,zm are the zeros and poles respectively.

Rules for Plotting Negative Root Locus

The negative root locus is the set of all points s in the complex plane for which L(s)=2lπ radians (where l is an integer).

Rule 1.

The n branches begin at the open loop poles (when K=0). Of the n branches, m end at the open loop zeros (when K=).

Rule 2.

The negative root locus contains all points on the real axis that are to the left of an even number of zeros and poles.

Rule 3.

Of the n branches in root locus, nm branches go to infinity, and asymptotically approach lines coming out of the point s=α with angles Φl, where

α=open loop polesopen loop zerosnm,Φl=2lπnm

for l=0,1,2,...,nm1.

Rule 4.

The root locus will have multiple roots at s¯ if the following are satisfied:


At a particular point s¯ on the negative root locus,


where p1,p2,...,pn and z1,z2,...,zm are the zeros and poles respectively.

NOTE: The root locus is always symmetric about the real axis provided all coefficients of N(s) and D(s) are real.