Game theory is the study of mathematical models of strategic interactions among multiple rational agents. It involves modelling cooperation and competition between intelligent and rational decision-makers.
Mechanism Design
Mechanism design involves the study of mechanisms by which a particular desirable outcome or result can be achieved.
Preferences & Utilities
Outcomes & Lotteries
Let be a set of mutually exclusive outcomes. A lottery describes a probability distribution over outcomes . We write to indicate that happens with probability .
For e.g. means and .
A compound lottery is a lottery defined based on other lotters.
For e.g., suppose , and lotteries and are defined as follows:
Then, lottery , defined by , is a compound lottery.
Ordinal Preferences
A preference relation over lotteries can be defined as follows:
means an agent strictly prefers to
means an agent weakly prefers to
means an agent is indifferent between and (i.e. and )
lotteries , either or or
lotteries , and
Independence of Irrelevant Alternative
lotteries , ,
lotteries , such that
For any von Neumann-Morgenstern-rational agent, there exists a function (known as the von Neumann-Morgenstern utility) that maps each lottery to a real number , such that: