Introduction to Game Theory

Game Theory

Game theory is the study of mathematical models of strategic interactions among multiple rational agents. It involves modelling cooperation and competition between intelligent and rational decision-makers.

Mechanism Design

Mechanism design involves the study of mechanisms by which a particular desirable outcome or result can be achieved.

Preferences & Utilities

Outcomes & Lotteries

Let O={o1,...,oK} be a set of K mutually exclusive outcomes. A lottery A describes a probability distribution over outcomes O. We write A=kpkok to indicate that okO happens with probability pk.

For e.g. A=0.75o1+0.25o2 means P(o1)=0.75 and P(o1)=0.25.

A compound lottery is a lottery defined based on other lotters.

For e.g., suppose O={o1,o2,o3}, and lotteries A and B are defined as follows:

Then, lottery C, defined by C=0.5A+0.5B, is a compound lottery.


Ordinal Preferences

A preference relation over lotteries can be defined as follows:


lotteries A,B, either AB or BA or AB


lotteries A,B,C, AB and BCAC

Independence of Irrelevant Alternative

lotteries A,B,C, p[0,1], ABpA+(1p)CpB+(1p)C


lotteries A,B,C, ABCp[0,1] such that BpA+(1p)C


For any von Neumann-Morgenstern-rational agent, there exists a function u (known as the von Neumann-Morgenstern utility) that maps each lottery A to a real number u(A), such that: